
Guides Projects

This is my DevOps Repo.
This serves as my Playground, Portfolio, Research-Notebook, Cheat-Sheet and Guide.


TerrForm & Vault Terraform & Proxmox

Automated Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Status Checks, Rules, and Test Results



this is the pull request, but i closed it

Action Settings


add our checkov workflow

name: checkov

    branches: [ "main", "development" ]
    branches: [ "main", "development" ]
#  contents: read
#  actions: read
#  checks: write
#  packages: write
permissions: write-all                                          # required permissions for commenting via API-call
  checkov_scan_and_upload_results:                              # this is the name of status check that we will use in our branch rule
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Get Start time
        id: starttime
        if: always()
        run: |
            start=$(date +%s)
            echo "$start" > start_time.txt                         # i couldnt safe start time as env variable so i used cat
      - name: Setup Python
        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: '3.x'

      - name: Install dependencies                                # install the dependencies (you could also use a preinstalled docker container)
        run: |
          pip install checkov
          pip install gitpython

      - name: Run Checkov scan                                    # we run our scan and output to xml 
        run: |
          checkov --directory .  -o junitxml > checkov_results.xml                   

      - name: Calculate Execution Time and Update JUnit XML      # we calculate the duration and update xml using regex
        if: always()
        run: |
            start=$(date +%s)
            echo "starttime is" $start
            END_TIME=$(date +%s)
            echo "endtime is: " $END_TIME
            read -r START_TIME < start_time.txt
            START_TIMER=$((START_TIME)) # Konvertiere START_TIME in Millisekunden
            EXECUTION_TIME=$(( (END_TIME - START_TIMER) /2 ))
            echo "runtime is: " $EXECUTION_TIME
            sed -i "s/time=\"0\"/time=\"$EXECUTION_TIME\"/" checkov_results.xml

      - name: Publish Test Results                              # publish the results
        uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v2
        if: always() 
          files: checkov_results.xml
      - name: Display Directory Contents and File Content        # this is just for testing the job
        if: always()
        run: |
            echo "Listing directory contents:"
            ls -la          
            echo "Displaying"
            cat ./checkov_results.xml

add a Branch-Rule for required Status Checks

thats it, you made it trough the tutorial! happy devopsing <3