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DNS Resolver

A DNS resolver is a crucial component in the domain name system. Its primary function is to accept queries from clients (such as your browser) and perform recursive queries to locate IP addresses. Here’s how it works:

  1. When you type a domain name (e.g., into your browser, the DNS resolver on your machine receives this request.
  2. The resolver then contacts other DNS servers to find the IP address associated with the domain name.
  3. It follows a chain of delegations, starting from the root nameservers, down to the top-level domain (TLD) nameservers, and finally to the authoritative nameservers for the specific domain.
  4. Once it reaches the authoritative nameserver, it retrieves the IP address and returns it to your browser.

DNS Server

Now, let’s talk about DNS servers in general. The term “DNS server” is broader and encompasses various types of servers involved in the DNS system. Here are the key distinctions:

  1. Authoritative Nameserver: This type of DNS server holds complete data for one or more zones (domains). For example, the .com domain has authoritative nameservers that store information about all its subdomains.
  2. Recursive Nameserver: A recursive DNS server starts with no data and performs queries on behalf of clients. It follows delegations and CNAME records until it finds the answer for the client query. You might use a local recursive nameserver (on your machine or provided by your ISP) or a remote one like Google Public DNS or Cloudflare DNS.


DNS records are essential for defining how domain names are translated into IP addresses.

Some common types of DNS records include:

Record Description
A Record Maps a domain name to an IPv4 address.
AAAA Record Maps a domain name to an IPv6 address.
CNAME Record Alias one name to another.
MX Record Specifies the mail server responsible for accepting email on behalf of a domain.
TXT Record Allows you to insert arbitrary text into the DNS record.
PTR Record Used in reverse DNS lookup to associate an IP address with a hostname.

Access Control Lists (ACLs)

Access Control Lists (ACLs) in DNS are used to control who can perform certain actions on your DNS server. They allow you to specify which IP addresses or networks are allowed or denied access to various operations such as dynamic updates, zone transfers, and queries.

An ACL is defined in the DNS server’s configuration file and consists of a list of IP addresses or ranges, followed by an action (permit or deny). Here’s an example of an ACL definition:

acl local-lan {
 localhost;;; # Netzwork for vmbr0; # additional Networks 
 allow-query { local-lan; };

In this example, only the IP addresses within the, and ranges are permitted to perform queries against the DNS server.

Forward Zones

Forward zones map domain names to IP addresses. They are the primary mechanism by which DNS servers respond to queries asking for the IP address associated with a given domain name.

The main goal of forward zones is to facilitate the translation of domain names into IP addresses, allowing users to connect to web servers, email servers, and other resources identified by domain names.

Configuration: Forward zones are configured in the DNS server’s configuration files, typically located in /etc/bind/named.conf.local for BIND9 servers. Each forward zone requires a zone declaration that includes the domain name and the location of the zone file containing the DNS records for that domain.

Example Configuration:

``` zone “” { type master; file “/etc/bind/”; };

Reverse Zones in DNS Configurations

This configuration tells the DNS server to manage the reverse zone for the subnet, mapping IP addresses within this range to domain names. The file directive points to the database file that contains the PTR records for this zone. PTR records in the reverse zone database (db.122) would then map IP addresses back to domain names, allowing reverse DNS lookups to succeed.

Differences between Reverse and Forward Zones

While both forward and reverse zones play essential roles in DNS, they serve opposite functions:

Forward Zones: Translate domain names into IP addresses.
Reverse Zones: Map IP addresses back to domain names, facilitating reverse DNS lookups.

In essence, forward zones are about translating names to numbers, whereas reverse zones translate numbers back to names. Both types of zones are critical for the proper functioning of the DNS system, ensuring that users can efficiently navigate the internet and internal networks.

Clients in DNS Zones

Clients in DNS zones refer to devices or networks that initiate DNS queries to a DNS server. These queries seek information about domain names, and the DNS server responds based on its configured zone files.

The treatment of these queries can vary depending on the source network, utilizing views to serve different responses to LAN and WAN clients.

Alternative Configuration: Defining Specific Clients

Here’s an example of how to define specific clients using IP addresses:

acl internal {;; }; options { allow-query { internal; }; allow-transfer { none; }; };


Here’s how rndc.key fits into the picture:

Without rndc, managing dynamic updates becomes significantly more challenging. While you could theoretically manage DNS records manually or through scripts, doing so securely and efficiently would be difficult. The rndc tool provides commands like rndc freeze and rndc thaw to safely edit dynamic zones, ensuring that updates are not lost during the editing process.

Zone Transfer

Zone transfer is an important mechanism to ensure that all DNS servers have the same data set. When changes are made to the zone files, they are synchronized via the zone transfer.

AXFR (Asynchronous Full Transfer Zone) is a method used for this purpose. zone_transfer

Response Policy Zone (RPZ)

RPZ is a mechanism designed to introduce customized policies within Domain Name System (DNS) servers. This customization enables recursive resolvers to return potentially altered results, effectively blocking access to certain hosts by modifying the returned data. RPZ operates based on DNS data feeds, known as zone transfers, received from an RPZ provider to the deploying server. Unlike traditional blocklist methods, the actual blocklist is not visible or managed by the client application. Instead, if the queried name or the resulting IP address is listed in the blocklist, the response is modified to prevent access.


RPZ serves as a filtering mechanism, either preventing users from accessing certain internet domains or redirecting them to safer alternatives by manipulating DNS answers. It allows DNS recursive resolver operators to obtain reputational data from external organizations about potentially harmful domains and use this information to protect users from accessing these domains.

Mechanism and Data

RPZ requires data to function. Various internet security organizations and services offer RPZ data for specific domain categories or potentially dangerous domains. Additionally, recursive resolver operators can define their own domain name data (zones) to be utilized by RPZ.


RPZ empowers a DNS recursive resolver to select specific actions for various collections of domain name data (zones). These actions can range from performing full resolution (standard behavior) to declaring that the requested domain does not exist (NXDOMAIN) or suggesting a different domain (CNAME).

Understanding DNS Query Output

When querying a DNS server for domain name resolution, the response contains several sections that provide detailed information about the queried domain.

Here’s a breakdown of these sections based on the example output you provided:

Section Title Description
Question Section Specifies what information is being requested.
Answer Section Provides the actual DNS records that match the query.
Authority Section Lists the authoritative nameservers for the queried domain.
Additional Section Contains information that might be needed to resolve the query.


Knowledge Base Install Test&Debug Dynamic Updates & RNDC Attack Vectors & Scenario Protection