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this section is highly motivated by the reddit thread Can a second computer join a ZFS pool?

Replication in Computing

Replication in computing involves sharing information to ensure consistency between redundant resources, such as software or hardware components, to improve reliability, fault-tolerance, or accessibility.

Race Conditions and Locking

Race conditions occur when two or more threads access shared data concurrently, and the outcome of the execution depends on the particular order in which the access takes place.
To prevent race conditions, synchronization mechanisms such as locks (also known as mutexes) are used.
When a thread wants to execute code within a critical section, it must first acquire the lock associated with that section. If the lock is already held by another thread, the requesting thread will block until the lock becomes available.

Mutex Semaphore Read/Write Lock
A mutual exclusion object that prevents simultaneous access to a resource A variable or abstract data type used to control access to a common resource by multiple processes in a concurrent system such as a multitasking operating system. Allows concurrent read-only access but requires exclusive access for write operations.

can two computers boot from the same drive ?

SAN (Storage Area Network) vs NAS (Network Attached Storage)

Both SAN and NAS are methods of storing data in a network environment, but they serve different purposes and are used in different scenarios.

Definition A Storage Area Network (SAN) is a dedicated network that provides block-level data storage to servers so they appear as locally attached devices.
SANs are primarily used to enhance storage devices, such as disk arrays and tape libraries, accessible to servers
A Network Attached Storage (NAS) is a dedicated file-level data storage device that operates on a computer network.
It allows multiple users and heterogeneous client devices to retrieve data from centralized disk capacity.
Use Cases SANs are ideal for applications requiring high-speed, low-latency access to storage, such as databases, email servers, and virtualization environments. NAS is suitable for file sharing, collaboration, and backup purposes, where file-level access is preferred over block-level access.
Architecture SANs typically use Fibre Channel (FC) or Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) protocols for connectivity NAS devices connect to the network using TCP/IP networking protocols and offer file-level access to the networked computers
Access Level SAN offers block-level access, making it faster for certain types of applications, while NAS provides file-level access, which is more suited for general-purpose file sharing.
Protocol SAN commonly uses FC or iSCSI, whereas NAS uses NFS (for Unix/Linux) or SMB/CIFS (for Windows).
Purpose SAN is focused on high-performance storage for critical applications, while NAS is designed for efficient file sharing and collaboration.
Cost SAN solutions can be more expensive due to the need for specialized hardware and cabling, whereas NAS devices are generally less costly and can leverage existing network infrastructure.


NFS (Network File System) is a distributed file system protocol that allows a system to share directories and files with others over a network. It enables users to access files on remote systems as if they were local.

File Sharing Protocol NFS facilitates file sharing by allowing users to access files located on remote servers as if they were local to their own workstation.
Cross-Platform Compatibility NFS is cross-platform, supporting various operating systems, making it a versatile choice for mixed-environment networks.
Performance Optimization NFS versions 4.x introduce improvements in performance and scalability, addressing limitations found in earlier versions.
Operational Modes
Client and Server Roles In an NFS setup, one system acts as the server hosting the shared files, and other systems act as clients accessing those files.
Read-Only and Read-Write Access NFS can configure shares to be read-only or read-write, depending on the permissions required for the shared files.


iSCSI (Internet Small Computer System Interface) is a protocol that allows for the transport of block-level data over IP networks. It enables the creation of storage area networks (SANs) by allowing remote servers to access storage as if it were locally attached.

Remote Storage Access iSCSI allows for the presentation of remote storage devices to the operating system as if they were locally connected,
enabling direct access to storage over the network.
Compatibility with Existing Infrastructure Since iSCSI operates over standard Ethernet connections, it can leverage existing network infrastructure,
reducing the need for specialized hardware.
Cost-Effective SAN Solutions By using iSCSI, organizations can build SANs without the high cost associated with Fibre Channel technology,
making it an attractive option for budget-conscious deployments.
Operational Modes
Target and Initiator Roles In an iSCSI setup, devices that provide storage are referred to as targets, while devices that request access to the storage are initiators.
Targets and initiators communicate over the network to facilitate data transfer.
Multipath Support iSCSI supports multipathing, allowing data to be accessed through multiple paths for redundancy and increased reliability.


ZFS (Zettabyte File System) is a combined file system and logical volume manager designed by Sun Microsystems. It stands out for its advanced features such as snapshotting, replication, automatic repair, and data compression.

Integrated Data Protection ZFS employs robust data protection mechanisms, including checksums for data integrity and RAID-Z for fault tolerance.
Snapshots and Clones It supports instant snapshots of the file system, facilitating easy backups and version control.
Compression ZFS integrates built-in compression algorithms to reduce storage space requirements.
RAID-Z Offers a RAID level specifically designed for ZFS, providing data protection without parity overhead.

High Availability (HA) in Networking

High Availability (HA) refers to systems designed to continue operating without interruption during the failure of one or more components. It ensures that critical services remain available and operational under various conditions, enhancing system reliability and minimizing downtime.

Components of HA Systems

Types of HA Solutions

Active-Passive HA Active-Active HA N+M Redundancy
In an active-passive setup, one server actively handles requests while the other remains idle until it takes over in case of a failure. Active-active HA involves distributing workload between multiple active servers, increasing capacity and reducing single points of failure. N+M redundancy involves having N active servers and M standby servers ready to take over in case of failures, providing a higher level of availability.

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Distributed Storage

Distributed storage systems spread data across multiple nodes in a cluster to enhance scalability, reliability, and fault tolerance. This document focuses on Distributed Block Storage, where data is stored in blocks and managed independently.

Types of Distributed Storage

Object Storage

Object storage is designed for storing unstructured data, such as images, videos, and backups. Data is organized into objects, each with metadata, allowing for efficient retrieval and management.

File Storage

File storage systems manage data as files within a hierarchical namespace. They are optimized for file-based access patterns but can also support block-level access through protocols like NFS or SMB.

Distributed Block Storage

Block storage divides data into fixed-size blocks, which are managed independently.
Each block can be stored on a separate physical drive, allowing for flexible scaling and high performance.

Name Description
DRBD Mirrors blockstorage so multiple nodes can use it safely (slow).
Ceph A highly scalable, open-source software-defined storage platform.
Supports object, block, and file storage modes.
GlusterFS A scalable network filesystem that allows for the creation of large, distributed storage solutions.
OpenEBS Provides container-native block storage solutions for Kubernetes environments.
Amazon S3 A widely-used object storage service that provides scalable storage for data objects.
Google Cloud Storage Similar to Amazon S3, offering durable, secure, and scalable object storage.
Hadoop HDFS Designed for storing very large files across multiple machines, providing high aggregate bandwidth through data parallelism.

Distributed Storage comparison

Type UseCase Example
Object Storing unstructured data, backups, and media content Amazon S3
File Managing structured data in a hierarchical manner Network Attached Storage (NAS)
Block Providing raw block-level storage for databases, virtual machines, and containers SAN (Storage Area Network)
Distributed Block Storage* Scalable, high-performance storage for cloud-native applications and big data analytics Ceph, GlusterFS, OpenEBS

Clustered File System

A clustered file system is a type of file system that is designed to operate across a cluster of computers, allowing them to share storage resources efficiently. These systems are built to handle the challenges of distributed computing environments, offering features such as scalability, high availability, and fault tolerance.

Key Features

How It Works

Clustered file systems operate by presenting a unified view of the storage resources available across the cluster. When a file or directory is accessed, the system determines the optimal location for the data based on factors such as load balancing and data replication strategies. This process enables efficient data sharing and collaboration among users and applications running on different nodes.


Understanding Distributed Storage and Clustered File Systems

Distributed storage and clustered file systems are two concepts that, while related, serve different purposes in the realm of data management and storage. This section aims to clarify the distinctions and provide examples relevant to both.

Distributed Storage

Distributed storage systems distribute data across multiple nodes in a network to achieve scalability, reliability, and fault tolerance. Unlike traditional storage architectures, distributed storage does not rely on a central server; instead, data is replicated across several nodes, ensuring that the system remains operational even if some nodes fail.


Clustered File Systems

Clustered file systems allow multiple servers to share a common file system, enabling them to access the same set of files as if they were a single system. This approach enhances data sharing and collaboration among servers in a cluster.


Bridging the Gap

While distributed storage focuses on the architecture of storing data across multiple nodes, clustered file systems concentrate on how multiple servers interact with a shared file system. Both concepts aim to enhance scalability, reliability, and performance but address different aspects of data management.

Understanding these distinctions helps in selecting the appropriate technology for specific use cases, whether it’s the need for scalable storage or efficient data sharing across a cluster of servers.

Gluster FS

GlusterFS is designed with modularity in mind and supports multiple operational modes:

Standalone Storage A single server that provides the file system over the network, similar to NFS.
Distributed Storage Multiple servers store and distribute data among themselves and provide it to clients.
Replicated Storage Multiple servers mirror data among themselves and provide it to clients.
Distributed Replicated Storage Multiple servers store and replicate data among themselves, distributing it to clients.
Striped Storage Multiple servers stripe data to deliver higher performance and disk I/O bandwidth.
Cloud/HPC Storage Similar to Distributed Replicated Storage.
NFS-like Standalone Storage Server-2 Similar to Standalone Storage, but more than one file system is provided.
Aggregating Three Storage Servers with Unify Three servers that provide a unified file system via Unify, without redundancy.


Ceph is a sophisticated storage manager designed to handle data across a cluster of machines, offering features such as data redundancy and distributed storage management.

Storage Manager

Clustered Storage Manager

Distributed Storage Manager

Data Redundancy

DRBD Overview

DRBD (Distributed Replicated Block Device) is a distributed storage system that provides block devices over a network. It is designed to allow multiple hosts to access the same block device simultaneously, with data mirrored across the participating nodes.

DRBD devices are usually readable and writable from only one node at a time, promoting a Primary/Secondary model. This model is beneficial for database workloads and virtual machine root disks. Ceph, on the other hand, supports concurrent access to the same file system from many hosts, making it suitable for disk-image stores and large-file-sized data.

Mirroring Across Nodes DRBD mirrors data across nodes, ensuring data consistency and availability even in the event of node failures.
Network-Based Storage It treats network storage as a local block device, simplifying the management of remote storage.
Automatic Failover and Recovery DRBD can automatically switch between primary and secondary nodes, minimizing downtime and manual intervention.
Operational Modes
Active-Passive Mode Typically, DRBD operates in an active-passive mode, where one node is the primary (active) and others are secondary (passive).
This mode is straightforward and ensures data integrity.
Active-Active Mode With advanced configurations, DRBD can operate in an active-active mode,
allowing concurrent access to the same block device from multiple nodes.
This mode requires careful synchronization to prevent conflicts.
Block Devices and Distribution of Storage DRBD provisions block device resources on partitions in a RAID-1 like manner across cluster nodes, ensuring data redundancy.
Ceph's RADOS Block Device (RBD) creates storage objects distributed within the RADOS cluster,
presenting a highly scalable solution but with computational overhead for determining read/write locations.

Split Brain Scenario

The Split Brain Scenario refers to a situation in distributed systems where two or more nodes believe they are the sole coordinator or master of the system, leading to potential data inconsistencies and conflicts. This can occur in high-availability (HA) clusters, particularly when using shared storage technologies like SAN, iSCSI, or FCoE, where network partitions may cause nodes to lose communication with each other.

Key Characteristics

Mitigation Strategies

Importance in High-Availability Systems

In high-availability systems, mitigating the Split Brain Scenario is crucial for maintaining data integrity and system stability. Proper configuration of fencing mechanisms, along with vigilant monitoring and timely intervention, are essential to prevent this scenario from occurring and to quickly recover from it if it does.