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create proxmox ZFS tank

nice yt-video that explains the zfs tank:

Thumbnail des Videos

add the disk’s that we need for the tank to our wm


create zfs called tank


create datasets for our zfs tank in proxmox shell:

$ zfs create tank/backups
$ zfs create tank/isos
$ zfs create tank/diskstorage

check it out:

$ zfs list
$ zpool list

create the zfs storage directories create_storageupload a iso (optional) upload_isomove the wm storage to zfs (optional): move_storagecreate a backup for our wm using our zfs_back storage directory(optional) backup


in proxmox shell:

$ apt install nfs-common
$ apt install nfs-kernel-server
$ mkdir -p /mnt/shared_folder_on_nfs
$ chmod -R 777 /tank/diskstorage
$ chown -R nobody:nogroup /tank/diskstorage

create zfs shared folder:

$ zfs create tank/nfs_shared_folder
$ zfs set sharenfs=on tank/nfs_shared_folder

edit the exports file:

$ nano /etc/exports
# /srv/nfs4/homes  gss/krb5i(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)
/proxmox.local:/tank/nfs_shared_folder *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)

edit the wm-config:

on the client side

edit the fstab for pemanent mount:

$ nano /etc/fstab
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0

proxmox.local:/tank/diskstorage /mnt/shared_folder_on_nfs nfs auto 0 0

update Grub:

$ sudo apt-get install --reinstall dracut
$ dracut -f

we can mount the zfs tank thats is shared via nfs like this:

$ mount -t nfs <mountpoint>